
1. Quality Management Program

A quality management program is an integral part of continually improving an organization.  The Quality Management Program provides tools and resources to help improve the consistency of our operations, make sound choices concerning quality, measure progress in meeting quality objectives, identify what is working or not working and assist in bringing identified issues to a satisfactory resolution.

As part of the Quality Management Program, Qualsurity can develop a framework that follows quality principles and practices that are established within the company.  These principles and practices would involve addressing quality policy and objectives, management review, competencies and training, process document control, feedback, evaluation, corrective action, preventive action, process improvement, measurement and data analysis.  In other words, this framework shows how these principles and practices work together in providing a clear quality roadmap for the company to follow.

2. Quality Work Plans

Quality Work Plans (QWP) can serve a company as a detailed map by directing the user with step by step instructions.  As the QWP is guiding the user along the pathway, it should also identify risks and determine actions or controls which can be implemented to avoid potential problems from occurring.  Once those risks have been identified, the chances of those deficiencies occurring can be reduced or eliminated.

Qualsurity will work the company’s project or quality manager to develop tailor-made QWPs that will satisfy both the company’s and client’s needs.

3. Inspection & Testing Plans

During the construction of a project, the Client and his representatives are in continuous need of objective evidence that the work are performed according the specifications set by the contract or standard organizations.

To find objective evidence of compliance means that the work will be inspected by a third party of competent persons and material tested by certified laboratories or organizations.

Qualsurity would work with the Project Manager or Quality Manager to develop an Inspection and Testing Plan that will help them to manage and track the complexities of modern infrastructure projects by indicating when and how something will be inspected or tested.  Like the QWPs, the Inspection and Testing Plan can be organized to help a company reduce missed inspection and testing opportunities.

4. Internal Auditing

Internal auditing are often recommended because it can help an organization help identify where a project or process may be a little off and it can help get it back on track before a major derailment occurs.

Qualsurity can provide training to internal personnel on how to perform an internal audit as well as come in and perform the internal audit.

5. External Auditing

External auditing are often recommended because it can help an organization help identify where a project or process may be a little off and it can help get it back on track before a major derailment occurs.

Qualsurity can provide training to internal personnel on how to perform an external audit or assist in performing the external audit.

6. Nonconformances

Nonconformances is when a problem has occurred and needs to be addressed with corrective actions.  You may find a non-conformance in a service, product, process, from a supplier, or in the system itself.

Qualsurity can help train your project or quality manager on how to identify, address, track, and deal with the problem.

At Qualsurity we encourage companies to report noncomformances as we feel that


7.Hold Points

A “Hold Point” is a point in a process where you hold an activity before you continue to the next step.  Hold points are useful tools and they are typically used in work that will be covered or made inaccessible as the result of subsequent activities.

Qualsurity can help train your project or quality manager on how to identify, implement, and track Hold Points as required by contract or company specifications.

8.Waivers and Deviations

A waiver is a request to change a contractual or technical requirement before the work has begun.

A Deviation is a request to change a contractual or technical requirement after the work has been completed.

Qualsurity can help train your project or quality manager on how to identify, implement, and track Waivers and Deviations as necessary.  We believe these processes can help to address and resolve issues before they turn into bigger issues and can also provide the documentation need to confirm that changes were reviewed and approved as required.


Beyond reviewing and improving a company’s Quality Management Program, Qualsurity also provides a mentoring program.  This program allows a company to train an inexperience employee to take on Quality Management Roles.  This opportunity is perfect for project managers and field supervisors to get the quality management experience a company needs to fulfill without hiring additional personnel to fill this void.

Below are a few of the QA/QC Manager Roles/Responsibilities personal may encounter.

1.Develop and maintain new QA/QC procedures for implementation

2.Creation of a QA/QC Plan, the management of a QA/QC Team, and the implementation and execution of the plan

3.Monitor the quality, document the progress in acccordance with contract specifications, documents and report non-conformance issues, and provide a plan to rectify deviations from contract, material insufficiencies, or otherwise subpar quality